Tuesday, March 6, 2012

life saturday with my bff :)

hallooo n asslamualaikum lme betul xbukk my blogger nie miss lorh . 
oke la sbtu ptg arie 2 p tgk movie wih my BF n BFF  tgk Adnan Sempit 2.
best giler cite 2 ketawe cm at umah jerk an huhuhu, btw thanks wat cik hubby sbb sudi luangkn mase .
hehehe . to my BFF jgnla malu2 k bile kuar brsme tue lme2 nnti ok la :) .
time kasih cz blnje makn pizza . nk letk pict tpi at cik hubby kite la . xpela btw time kasih wat sume :))